Hannapy for brands

Hannapy B2C E-Market

Generate demand and brand awareness

Much more than a marketplace

Increase your visibility and sales

Potencia tus ventas

Aumenta tus ventas en el mayor marketplace en español de cannabis

Aumenta tu visibilidad

Planes de visibilidad personalizados para llegar a tus objetivos

Más de 90 marcas

Deja que tu marca sea conocida entre más de 90 marcas 

Soporte directo

Nuestro equipo te ayudará a definir tu estrategia en el ecosistema Hannapy 

Sections created to offer a unique shopping experience by introducing each brand.

We focus our efforts on presenting the differentiation of each brand to enhance the user's memory.

Featured brand pages to explain your differentiation to the users

Thousands of users visit Hannapy Marketplace with a clear intention to buy. Let them know about you!

Easily control your Hannapy catalog from our shared control panel

Manage your photos, prices and availability in our shared catalog panel - it couldn't be easier!

More than 150 companies use Hannapy

Why our ecommerce market?

Your digital marketing and sales channel

Customized support

Our experts will help you plan your strategy in Hannapy

Data at your fingertips

Take advantage of our benchmarks to improve your knowledge

Visibility as you need

Boost your visibility to sell more to fit your needs and goals

Advanced security

Sitelock protection. Advanced anti-malware, hack, attack security layer.

The Cannabis market that helps you to grow

Invoiced/month TOP brands
CBD Brands

Try it by yourself

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